Master's degree


Study programmes

The master's degree programme belongs to the field of Psychology. The duration of studies is 2 years (120 credits). Students develop skills in analysing critical situations in education, psychological assessment, counselling school students at all educational levels and in the family, providing advice to teachers, school managers, community. Graduates with a bachelor's degree in Psychology, Special Psychopedagogy, Social Work, Sociology and in any other field are admitted.


Perspectives after graduation: school counsellor, school psychologist, youth counsellor, trainer, workforce and unemployment counsellor, psychologist in the specialty of special pedagogy, etc.


COPSI approval: The master's degree programme is approved by the Romanian College of Psychologists (Annex no. 6 / 31.10.2016 to the professional approval no. RF-I-BV-22 / 22.11.2011).

- Curriculum
- Syllabus

The study programme falls within the undergraduate field of Psychology. The master's programme prepares specialists in psychology in accordance with the competency profile of a psychologist, as it is defined in European and national reference documents. The duration of studies is 2 years (120 ECTS credits). Graduates of undergraduate programmes Pedagogy, Social Work, Sociology, etc. may also be admitted. The program develops intervention skills in organizations, from the application of algorithmic solutions (license), to the level of autonomous intervention, in new, complex or damaged situations. Consultancy and advisory skills in the organizational field are formed for human resources management, optimization of professional adaptation and promotion of well-being at work.


Perspectives after graduation: graduates can work in economic units and institutions, human resources consulting firms, individual offices of occupational and organizational psychology, psychology offices in occupational medicine services, professional civil societies for psychologists, as specialist in human resources departments, as labour and unemployment expert, as employee recruiter / integration analyst, in the area of staff retraining / mobility consultant, trainer, specialized training inspector, in professional evaluation and selection, etc.


COPSI approval: The master's degree programme is approved by the Romanian College of Psychologists (Annex no. 5 / 21.10.2016 to Professional approval no. RF-I-BV-22 / 22.11.2011).

- Curriculum
- Syllabus

The master's degree programme is in the field of Psychology. The duration of studies is 2 years (120 ECTS credits). Graduates of the undergraduate programmes may also be admitted, namely from Special Psychopedagogy, Pedagogy, Social Work, Sociology, etc. The programme provides the foundations for understanding normal and pathological behavioural manifestations, the life situation and difficulties faced by the client, mastering psychological assessment tools and techniques and methods specific to psychological counselling and psychotherapy, and decision-making to choose the intervention strategy, personalized psychological, appropriate to each case.


Perspectives after graduation: graduates can work in individual clinics of clinical psychology, psychiatric and neurological clinics; geriatrics; NGOs for the assistance and protection of people with special educational needs, chronic and disabling diseases; the national network of expertise and recovery of the work capacity of patients with disabilities; the national network of social assistance and child protection; nurseries, kindergartens and schools.


COPSI approval: The master's degree programme is approved by the Romanian College of Psychologists (Annex no. 3 / 31.07.2015 to the professional approval no. RF-I-BV-22 / 22.11.2011).

- Curriculum
- Syllabus

The master's field in which this study programme integrates is Educational Sciences. The programme provides 120 ECTS credits (two years of study). Students acquire skills specific to the training of efficient professionals in the field of school management and adult training (two routes provided by the curriculum). The joint diploma is accompanied by the diploma supplement that differentiates the routes.


Perspectives after graduation: Obtaining a master's degree opens multiple perspectives of professional activity in the field of education, but also the possibility of extension to other fields involving human resources management.

- Curriculum
- Syllabus

The master's field which this study programme belongs to is Educational Sciences. The duration of studies is 2 years (120 ECTS credits). Graduates have the necessary skills to design and carry out interventions in the field of early education and early schooling, to advise and assist educational groups, to design, conduct and capitalize on research in the field.


Perspectives after graduation: graduates can be employed in educational units as mentor, school counsellor, psychopedagogue, school mediator, child educator.

- Curriculum
- Syllabus

The master’s degree programme falls under the field of Education Sciences. The duration of studies is 2 years (120 credit points). This master's students develop competences in designing, implementing, and evaluating education/training programmes, in preventing social and professional maladjustment, in educational assessment, in counselling students for integration and in developing clients' abilities to adapt to various environments.

Graduates with a bachelor's degree in Pedagogy, Special Pedagogy, Social Work, Psychology, Sociology, and any other field are admitted.


Perspectives after graduation: instructional designer, school counsellor, mediator, school inspector, youth counsellor, trainer.


- Curriculum
- Syllabus